
My name is Dolores and I live life with a different point of view.
I am a fifty-four year old woman who is sitting in the hospital, waiting for a heart. How did this happen? I was born with a congenital heart disease called Tetrology of Fallot. I had two surgeries in my childhood and lived what was considered a normal life which included marriage and children. The only remnant was a murmur due to stenosis in the Pulmonic Valve. In 2006, I came down with Tachycardia. After the tests done by the Cardiac Interventionist, it was discovered that my heart was damaged with what is called a Dilated Cardiomyopathy and that it had been caused by the Pulmonic Stenosis. Over the years, my heart had to work harder than normal to keep my body running. At this point, I would need an Implantable Cardioverter Device. The device was implanted and I went on with my life. Slowly, my heart deteriorated and each time I consulted the Cardiologist who did more tests and prescribed different heart drugs. In 2012, I had deteriorated so badly that I could no longer work. When the Cardiologist put me off work, he referred me to the Heart Transplant Team. I saw them the next month and it was decided that it was time to get a new heart.

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